Дистанційне навчання під час карантину, 12.03.-29.05.2020 р.
Form 8
1. Read the text and decide if the statements are "True" or "False" or "Not Stated". https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgQbCHprssp-zOpu2BF54hc12rCScH0q8G5-q84r1PCdSLmTz2B7chVA0VMh2kZsobts0-zABZyULhaSnaK0WiA4n7afxxYv5SmZprvzVWwaZFul_Xu4iq8N_gDZ6VSVvtcCXKo9YxZIg/s1600/IMG_20180417_0004.jpg2. Make up dialogues about our favourite singers Ruslana Lyzhychko and Jamala.
3. Read, translate and retell the text given below. Write a short letter about April, 1 as an International Bird Day.
April, 1 is International Bird Day, which marks the beginning of their return to northern parts from their wintering sites. On March, 19, 1902, various countries agreed to the International Convention for the Protection of Birds Useful to Agriculture came into force, which more than a dozen states signed. It entered into force on December, 12, 1905. On October, 18, 1950, in Paris, diplomats signed the International Convention for the Protection of Birds, which replaced the previous document.
April, 1 is also associated with children’s events centred on birds, arranged in 1894 by a teacher from a small American town of Oil City PA, Charles Babcock. Soon Bird Day was widely-held as a national holiday throughout the USA.
The theme of the holiday is the conservation of bird species diversity and the preservation and increase of their populations. This day marks the first return of migratory birds from their wintering sites. The rooks are the first to come, then, the wild geese, ducks, cranes, and gulls arrive. In April, the thrushes, robins, greenfinches, chaffinches, finches, and buntingsreturn. Traditionally, at this time, in anticipation of the arrival of the birds, people hang birdhouses and build artificial nests. Birders warn that if birds go extinct, it’d cause an environmental catastrophe, with unpredictable effects upon human civilisation. They tell us that such obliteration of fauna would cause irreparable damage to biological diversity.
More and more countries are involved in the annual selection of the “Bird of the Year” . National social and professional organisations concerned with the protection of birds take part in this “election”. Typically, the choice of the award-winning bird is due to different reasons… a bird is popular in this-or-that country, with close-links to a national culture, or it’s a bird species under threat of extinction, to draw attention to its species preservation, or it’s a bird chosen to demonstrate the diversity of bird life. Clearly, the Bird of the Year reflects the success of national response measures to avian protection and successfully promotes the achievements of environmental organisations and the success of their programmes.
Ornithologists and ecologists select the spotlighted Bird of the Year, and they conduct seminars, publish literature and brochures on this kind of bird, to promote conservation and care of them.
4. To repeat all new words. Music Styles. Born with Songs.
a) What musical instruments do you know?
b) Different kinds of pop music.
c) What is classical music?
d) Exercise 4, page 144.
5. Are You Fond of Music?
a) Exercise 2, page 147.
b) Exercise 6, page 148
c) Exercise 4 (e), p. 151-152 - to read.
d) To repeat the verb "to be" in the Past Simple Tense.
6. Tastes Differ.
a) Lesson 3. Read the text, p. 159.
b) Answer the questions, p. 159.
c) Text, p. 161 to read and to retell.
d) Look and listen to the video and try to write a few sentences about it.
7. Ukrainian Press. Books Are Our Friends.
8. A Daily, a Weekly, a Monthly.
9. Watch the video and try to understand it. Retell you have heard. Make up a dialogue according the text you have learned. https://youtu.be/V_BnhRJmxtA My Summer Vacation.
10. What Is the Globe Theatre?
11. Повторення часів. The Present Simple and the Present Continuous Tenses. Скласти речення на вживання обидвох часів.
12. Антоніми в англійській мові. Opposite Words. Складання речень з антонімами.
13. Top 10 Attractions of London. Travel Guide. Listen to and retell the text.
Top 10 Attractions London - UK Travel Guide - YouTube https://swky.co/iwqVey
14. Geographical Outlook. Пояснення вживання означеного артикля "the" з географічними назвами. Ex.3, p.201 & Ex.4, p.202.
15. "Geographical Outlook ". Listen to the video and do the tasks.
16. The UK. Розвиток мовлення.
17. Grammar. Active and Passive Voices.
18. Present Perfect Passive Voice. Питальна і заперечна форми.
19. Велика Британія. The UK. Читання та переказ.
20. Writing Comprehension.
21. Reading Comprehension.
Form 6
1. Tell about different kinds of shops.2. Make up a dialogue "At the Baker's".
3. Make up a dialogue "In the Supermarket".
4. Make up dialogues "At the Department Store ", "Going Shopping".
5. Exercise 2, page 130.
Exercise 3, page 131.
Exercise 5 (a), page 132.
6. To learn the names of different kinds of transport.
7. Read the text " What Is Travelling ?", p. 144.
8. Exercise 2, page 145.
9. Read the letter, page 146.
10. Exercise 7, page 147.
11. Повторення теми "Food".
12. "My Favourite Food ". Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.
13. "Fruits and Vegetables ". Learn new words.
14. How to Talk About Transport and Driving in English.
15. "On the Move ". Введення нових ЛО, ст. 148. Ex. 3, p.149, Ex. 5, p.150 & Ex.2, p.151.
16. Прикметник. Префікс -un.
17. Повторення назв продуктів харчування. Пісенька "Do You Like?"
Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt? | Super Simple Songs - YouTube https://swky.co/8_-MSA
18. "Do You Like Cheese?". Аудіювання на основі прослуханої пісні.
19. Повторення. What time is it?
20. English Grammar. Повторення теперішніх часів. Present Simple & Present Continuous Tenses.
21. Travelling through London. Retell the story.
Top 10 Attractions London - UK Travel Guide - YouTube https://swky.co/iwqVey
22. At the Bus Station. Введення нової лексики. Скласти запитання до Ex.2, p.154. Скласти діалог згідно Ex. 3, p.154.
23.Transport and Travelling. Writing an e-mail.
24. Opposite Words. Антоніми в англійській мові.
25. Транспорт. Подорож.
26. Велика Британія та англомовні країни.
26. "So Many Places". Listen to the video and do the tasks.
27. Kyiv. Розвиток мовлення.
28. Ступені порівняння прикметників. Вживання означеного артикля the.
29. The Definite Article the. Робота з підручником.
Reading Comprehension.
31. Writing Comprehension.
Образотворче мистецтво
5 клас
1.Види декоративно-ужиткового мистецтва. Витинанка.https://youtu.be/UHW99F1dMxw
2.Участь у конкурсі на кращий малюнок на тему: "Коронавірусу - НІ!"
3. Створення композиції "Вербова гілка".
6 клас
1. Участь у конкурсі на кращий малюнок на тему: "Коронавірусу - НІ!"
7 клас
1. Участь у конкурсі на кращий малюнок на тему: "Коронавірусу - НІ!"
2. Дизайн меблів. Створення дизайну з елементами інтер'єру.
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